Enjoy PC JIMS Probation, the most efficient Probation Case Management software available.
Fully integrated with your Circuit Clerk's JIMS data. Available in 80% of Illinois counties.
Manage all client data in one place with the PC JIMS Probation Hub.
- Multiple search options for locating clients
- ONE-CLICK to Add/Edit clients and instances
- Import data from the Circuit Clerk's JIMS system to eliminate error-prone double data-entry
- Assessment/Reassessment Tools - user-friendly tools with automatic scoring and complete histories
- Event Calendars - personalized, with hearings drawn automatically from the Court's system
- LSI-R Integrations
- DNA Transmittal Data
- AOIC stat reports
- Everything you need in one location!
Click here to download a brochure for PC JIMS Probation.
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